Friday, April 06, 2007

I'm baaackkk!

You might wonder, where did you go?

I went nowhere. My computer, on the other hand, went to the great blog in the sky.

(Well, at least the hard drive did.) It appears as if I have satisfactorily reinstalled windows on a brand new hard drive, so I'm back. I'll start blogging again soon.


Not that anyone cares, but I'll vent. Yes, I satisfactorily installed windows, but it didn't like me. I did all the updates, took XP from the beginning of time through SP 2 and then started having a memory leak. I have recently learned, after much scrutiny and self-tutelage is that a memory leak is when your system sucks up memory and then doesn't deposit it back into the "free memory for all programs" bucket. Then your CPU shows 100% usage and basically whatever you're running slows down, and eventually the whole freakin' system goes into application hang.

Luckily, a hotfix from Windows solved this problem-- I have been hang free now for about 20 minutes, which is a good think. I just wish I had been able to figure it out sooner. I think I spent about 8 hours post laptop operation trying to nurse this thing back to health. Ugh.

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