Sunday, December 02, 2007

Sunday, Sunday....back to work tomorrow. How many days 'til Christmas?

Jon Berry over at Labor Pains is being....well...a pain when he questions the appropriateness of teachers working to the rule. Would you rather have a strike, Jon? I do have to agree with him on one thing-- if the yearbook advisors are recieving a supplemental contract, they should be putting in their contract approved work after school.

Unions as the anti-theft device for working folks? This union brother thinks so....

This union is going to work to the rule. The Superintendent is quoted as saying it won't cause major problems for the school district. A strike will cause major problems for the district.

Employing a "rare strategy in contract negotiations", this teachers' union will also be working to the rule. Someone needs to learn about job actions.

$800,000 for back pay goes to these 6th grade teachers who were forced to take an extra academic period. Way to go!

Informational picketing in Fremont, California.

The Federal Education Association (the one that works in the DOD schools) filed a grievance over lunch times for teachers.

The AFT President is upbeat, according to this article, that NCLB will be changed so that schools judged as passing or failing will be stricken from the future legislation. Hope so.

On the topic of AFT, they're making great inroads organizing in higher ed in the state of Michigan-- lecturers at MU are next on their list.

Why do most teachers enter education? Why, to work with young people (73%) says this article that cites an NEA study.

Continuing the NEA theme, this blogger seems to take issue with the fact that NEA promotes acceptance of people who aren't like you. For shame!

'Tis the season-- best gifts for teachers? Read about it here. I do occasionally get gifts from students, which are wonderful. What about you?

Elgin rejected their contract and they've authorized a strike.

There is a blockage! Interesting bit from a French university.

16 year old student marries 40 year old teacher? Ugh. Thank God I wasn't that idiot's union rep.


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